Outsourcing Dental Insurance Verification: The best strategy to improve your revenue cycle

Outsourcing dental insurance verification will have positive results for your practice if having an efficient practice is one of your goals. Dental insurance verification is one of those things that can either make or break your practice. As more patients come to your practice, your team will have the big task of making sure all of the patients are eligible for various treatments.

While most practice owners want to take care of it all, consider outsourcing your insurance verification. Administrative duties can get in the way of fulfilling the mission of improving patient care. Submitting claims, following up, verifying insurance benefits, and more. The tedious and time-consuming tasks related to verifying dental insurance can leave dental professionals feeling tired and frustrated.

Insurance verification helps to determine your patient’s eligibility for dental services. This is typically part of any claims submissions and filings that your practice is processing on a daily basis. When you outsource, another company like SupportDDS will be doing this for you, ideally with an understanding of the various dental and medical codes and situations that can cause a lengthy denial. Denied claims by the insurance company, make you lose time and money.

Why Outsourcing Dental Insurance Verification Makes Sense?

The biggest benefits to Outsourcing your insurance verification are the cost-benefit. When you outsource you can save up to 85% on your usual expenditure. Also, you offload workload from yourself and your dental team. As a practice owner, you end up doing both medical and office duties. This means your entire team asked in to do the same. This takes away valuable time and wears out your entire team. This is where Outsourcing comes in. Here is how ;

  • Outsourced dental team members have the knowledge and skill to make sure verification is done right always. They also in the shortest possible time. Your practice has a quicker turnaround on tasks.
  • It allows your in-house staff to focus on scheduling appointments and patient engagement.
  • With an outsourced team member doing the heavy lifting, you and your dental team can focus on the core business of the day. that’s giving great health care.
  • Outsourcing is scalable. As your patient numbers increase you so can the number of things you can outsource. You don’t have to worry about being overwhelmed by the increase in patient numbers.
  • You can outsource your Dental IT support and ensure that there’s no downtime.

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Outsourcing Insurance verification Benefits

Saving Time

As a practice owner you wear many hats, you are a practice owner, manager, dentist, and team leader. When outsource you get more time in the day to grow your practice and improve your patient base. All while the background processes are being handled by a professional

Trim your costs

Outsourcing allows you to add a professional team member to your practice at a fraction of your current costs. You can save on costs like office furniture and equipment. This means you will pay for the service of your new team member without the extra costs.

Utilizing Patient’s Benefits

Some patients are unaware of the benefits they are entitled to or leave behind every month. Outsourcing gives you the time to educate your patients on the many benefits that they are entitled to. This will increase production and prevent the need for unwanted and expensive restorative procedures.

Improve Patient relations.

A patient’s trust is something money can’t buy. When you build trust with your patient, you get better patient retention and a reputation that elevates your practice for a long time. Patients are usually left with a lot of questions as far as their benefits and expenses are concerned. Outsourcing virtual team members allow you to have more time to answer all patient queries and build patient relations.

Certified Dental Insurance Verification

Outsourcing services are HIPAA compliant and meet the recommended guidelines of the international organization for standardization. Companies like SupportDDS provide exemplary services to boost your practice’s performance and client satisfaction. This means all information is checked and double-checked to make sure there are no errors. In addition, they have strict security protocols in place to make sure your data is kept confidential every step of the way.


Essentially, understanding the abilities of your practice gives you the leeway to plan, execute and plan in a way that eliminates any mistakes. Outsourcing your Dental Insurance Verification is the best decision you can make for your business as it gives you a financial advantage as you are drawing in on costs. SupportDDS provides dental outsourcing solutions to your practice’s problems. With qualified teams, it gives you a chance to grow and scale. Download this free ebook to learn more.