Category Archives: Blog

Home Archive by category "Blog"

5 Benefits of owning a digital dentistry x-ray machine.

January 18, 2022 By admin In Blog
The improvement of dental technology has made dentistry easier. Dentists now have digital devices at their disposal to help them do their work more efficiently and effectively. Dentists are increasingly using digital dental equipment in their practices, such as intra-oral scanners and dental lasers....

Top tips to increase your practice efficiency in 2022

January 06, 2022 By admin In Blog, Insights
2022 is rolling out fast, and your practice needs to be on its A-game this year. To get the most out of your practice, you need to make sure it is working as one efficient machine. We have come up with a few fundamental tips that your practice can adopt to make sure you kick […]...

Improve your patient retention in 5 easy steps.

September 27, 2021 By admin In Blog
To have a successful practice you must have patients. The more you offer a well-rounded and good service to these patients the better your recommendations and ability to get more patients. The problem however is how to hang on to your existing patients. Patient recommendations to your new potential ...

5 reasons why you need a virtual assistant

September 02, 2021 By admin In Blog, Insights
Having a virtual assistant has become a must-do for any dental practice looking to grow and save. Why do you need one though? We have come up with several reasons why a practice, large or small would need one. We can safely say, by the end of this article you will have a new appreciation […]...