Category Archives: Insights

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Top tips to increase your practice efficiency in 2022

January 06, 2022 By admin In Blog, Insights
2022 is rolling out fast, and your practice needs to be on its A-game this year. To get the most out of your practice, you need to make sure it is working as one efficient machine. We have come up with a few fundamental tips that your practice can adopt to make sure you kick […]...

Should your dental practice outsource its IT services?

September 28, 2021 By admin In Insights
In today’s dentistry, everything is connected to the internet. From patients’ data to your dental machinery, it all needs a well-structured and well-managed IT system. With a good IT system in place, there is a marked improvement in practice efficiency in your administrative and operational func...

5 reasons why you need a virtual assistant

September 02, 2021 By admin In Blog, Insights
Having a virtual assistant has become a must-do for any dental practice looking to grow and save. Why do you need one though? We have come up with several reasons why a practice, large or small would need one. We can safely say, by the end of this article you will have a new appreciation […]...

5 things to consider when you outsource your Dental I.T Support

July 13, 2021 By admin In Insights
Outsourcing is a go-to for businesses looking to improve on their business processes while trimming their costs. Though there a mixed opinions about the practice a few things are facts. When done right, outsourcing offers you; I. Cost-saving for your business. II. Skilled personnel. III. Growth for ...