5 Proven Ways of Increasing your Dental Appointments

Dentistry like any other business is all about numbers. Dentists must have a steady inflow of new dental appointments every month in order to stay in business. To achieve this, you need to put your practice out there. How? Through marketing of course.

Marketing is not just telling people how good you are as a dentist or practice, it is also about making patients feel they can trust and depend on you and your practice.

Increasing your dental appointments in 5 easy ways

1. Create an engaging dental practice website

Dental website

It goes without saying that the whole world has gone digital. Almost everything one needs is online but having a website is not enough. Websites that are designed with the user in mind can convert curious clicks to appointments.

A lot of thought is needed in making a high converting website and having key information in one place helps to keep your potential patient from wondering. Studies show that once a patient’s basic question is answered, there is a high chance of converting the individual to a patient.

Establishing a professional site doesn’t have to cost you a lot of money. With a good outsourcing team your site can:

  • Enjoy a mobile-friendly design
  • Have online blogs to keep your patients engaged
  • Have reviews and testimonials so your patients are part of the practice
  • Have good Search Engine Optimization (S.E.O)

2. Be active in local events

Whether you are still starting out or have been in the industry for a while you need to be in touch with the community. Be involved in community events and organizations

Having a simple banner at an event that your patient attends has a lasting personal effect on them. When they then see your name hanging from your practice it’s familiar and welcoming to them.

Reaching out to potential patients does not end there, you can host your own event. Reputation plays a big factor in converting people to be patients in your practice.

3. S.E.O

Search engine optimization can see a big increase in your patient numbers. Nowadays SEO is not putting together keywords. It can mean the difference between having your site well seen or buried under the competition.

Good S.E.O results in patients staying on your site not only to set appointments but to indulge in the various blogs and updates that are available. Once captivated there is a high potential of increasing your dental patients.

As your site becomes the go-to site for everything dental, your Google ranking will also improve. Have your name be the first Google suggests when dental searches are conducted by patients.

4. Offer quality patient management

Your dental patients want to feel well cared for, services like;

need to give patients a lasting impression and a dental practice experience worth mentioning to friends and family.

5. Reviews and testimonials

Dental reviews

There is no stronger marketing than having a patient saying good things about you and your practice. Online reviews help to build trust which in turn increases the number of dental appointments.

Furthermore, encouraging your patients to write online testimonials will increase your patient numbers. Earning patient’s trust does more than just increasing your dental patients but it also creates a high chance of referrals.

Need more dental marketing ideas?

At SupportDDS aims to grow dental practices to their full potential. Our virtual marketing team specializes in formulating and implementing unique marketing techniques that will increase your dental appointments.

SupportDDS is a leading Texas-based outsourcing company that provides virtual assistants and administrative support for dental practices. Moreover, we provide both short and long term virtual outsourcing services customized to suit your business process needs.

Contact us today.